李浩年,男,1996年7月生,蒙古族,博士,2024年留校参加工作,内蒙古自治区“英才兴蒙”工程六类人才,内蒙古农业大学高层次引进优秀博士人才。担任Frontiers in Plant Science、Journal of Arid Land和Scientific Reports等国际SCI期刊的审稿专家。主要从事荒漠化防治的教学与科研工作。
(1) Haonian Li, Zhongju Meng, et al. Variations in the physicochemical properties of soil, enzyme activities, and the characteristics of bacterial communities within algal biocrusts and subsoils across different plant communities[J]. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2025.
(2) Haonian Li, Yumei Liang, Zhongju Meng, et.al., Changes in soil bacterial community characteristics in patches of different vegetation types under different stages of restoration in the desert of northern China. Ecology and Evolution, 2024.
(3) Haonian Li, Zhongju Meng, et.al., Characteristics of soil particle size and fractal under different plantation types of Populus alba. Forests, 2024.
(4) Haonian Li, Zhongju Meng, et.al., Sand-fixing measures improve soil particle distribution and promote soil nutrient accumulation for desert – Yellow River coastal ecotone, China. Ecological Indicators, 2023.
(5) Haonian Li, Zhongju Meng, et.al., Soil Properties under Artificial Mixed Forests in the Desert-Yellow River Coastal Transition Zone, China. Forests, 2022.
(6) Haonian Li, Zhongju Meng, et.al., Grain size characteristics from dry playa Chagan Nur in northern China. Polish of journal environmental studies, 2023.
(7) Haonian Li, Zhongju Meng, et.al., Checkerboard Barriers Attenuate Soil Particle Loss and Promote Nutrient Contents of Soil. Sustainability, 2022.
(1)李浩年,蒙仲举,党晓宏,等.一种便携式集草本样方框与标尺一体设备. ZL202123445344.8.
(2)李浩年,蒙仲举,李思瑶,等. 一种沙漠植物灌溉装置. ZL 2023 2 3374067.5.
(3)李浩年,蒙仲举,孟芮冰,等. 一种沙漠植物育苗钵. ZL 2023 2 3373965.9.
2023年4月,梁希林业科学技术奖 科技进步二等奖,中国林学会;