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2025年03月10日 10:04   编辑:刘佳宜    来源:王晨光




(1)Wang, C G., Li, H R, Xue, S B, et al. How root and soil properties affect soil detachment capacity in different grass–shrub plots: A flume experiment[J]. Catena, 2023, 229: 107221.

(2)Wang, C.G., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., & Ma,B. (2023). Effects of straw mixed mulch length and coverageon infiltration, soil and water loss of Loess Plateau slopes. Land Degradation &Development, 1–14.

(3)Wang, C.G., Li, Z. & Wang, S. (2023). Determination of the maximum run-off sediment transport capacity during a rainstorm flood in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau[J]. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–12.

(4)Wang, C.G., Cao, W.H., Ma, B., et al. Effects of freezing–thawing on different types of soil organic matter on the Loess Plateau of China. Environmental Earth Sciences[J], (2023)82:466

(5)Wang C , Miao J , Liu C ,et al.The Combined Effect of Taproot and Fibrous Roots of Herbaceous Plants and Shrubs on the Distribution of Soil Water-Stable Aggregates[J]. Forests (19994907), 2024, 15(9).

(6)Wang, C.; Zhao, Y.; Hao, S.; et al. Effects of Composted Straw, Biochar, and Polyacrylamide Addition on Soil Permeability and Dynamic Leaching Characteristics of Pollutants in Loessial Soil in Urban Greenbelts According to Indoor Simulation Experiments. Agronomy 2024, 14, 1958.

(7)Wang C.G, Ma B, Wang Y, et al. Effects of wheat straw length and coverage under different mulching methods on soil erosion on slope farmland on the Loess Plateau[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2022, 23(2): 923-935.

(8) Wang, C.G., Ma, J., Wang, Y., Li, Z., &Ma, B. (2022). The influence of wheat straw mulching and straw length on infiltration, runoff and soil loss[J]. Hydrological Processes, 36(4):e14561.

(9)王晨光,曹文华,马波等. 不同根系构型草本与灌木复合对土壤饱和导水率的影响因素分析及其模拟[J].水土保持通报,2023,43(04):10-16.

(10)王晨光,曹文华,马波等. 不同根系构型草本与灌木复合对土壤饱和导水率的影响因素分析及其模拟[J].水土保持通报,2023,43(04):10-16.

(11)王晨光,马波,李占斌等。不同草灌复合样地对土壤分离能力的影响[J].土壤通报, 2024, 55(2): 341 − 350.

(12)王晨光,郝珊,陆思旭等.添加 PAM 对城市绿地换填介质性质的影响[J].水土保持学报,2020,34(03):356-361.


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