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2023年11月30日 11:21   编辑:张永亮    来源:



张成福,男,汉族,1966年9月生,博士,特聘教授,博士生导师。内蒙古四子王旗人。1986~1990年在原内蒙古农牧学院读本科,林学专业,获农学学士学位。2001~2004年在The University of New Brunswick(Canada)读硕士,研究方向为森林土壤,获林学硕士学位。2008~2010年在Dalhousie University (Canada)读博士,研究方向为生物工程,获哲学博士学位。

自1990年起先后在内蒙古根河林业局,内蒙古环境监测中心站,University of New Brunswick(Canada),Agriculture and Agri-food Canada任职。2013年起在内蒙古农业大学工作。







参加的科研课题有CanadianIntersiteDecompositionExperiment(2001-2004),Collaborative Mercury Research Network(2005-2010),Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices (2011-2012)。


1)牛晓燕,刘志强,赵晶晶,王雨晴,程宇琪,杜浩,张成福. 2017.大兴安岭森林火烧后不同演替阶段土壤细菌多样性动态.微生物学通报2017 0253-2654.

2)Zhang, C., Li, S., Jamieson, R.C., Meng, F.R. 2017. Segment-based assessment of riparian buffers on stream water quality improvement by applying an integrated model. Ecological Modelling 345:1–9.

3)Zhang, C., Li, S., Qi, J., Xing, Z., Meng, F.R. 2016. Assessing impacts of riparian buffer zones on sediment and nutrient loadings into streams at watershed scale using an integrated REMM‐SWAT model. Hydrological Processes 31(4): 916 – 924.

4)Zhang,C., Jamieson,R.C., Meng,F.R., Gordon,R., Bourque, P.A. 2016. Projecting In-stream Dissolved Organic Carbon and Total Mercury concentrations in Small Watersheds following Clearcutting. Water Air & Soil Pollution 227(9):1-13.

5)Wu, Y., Li, C.,Zhang, C., Shi, X., Bourque, C.P.A., Zhao, S. 2015. Evaluation of the Applicability of SWAT model in an arid piedmont plain oasis. Water Science and Technology 73(6):1341-1348.

6)段超宇,张生,李锦荣,张成福,綦俊谕,吴用. 2014.基于SWAT模型的内蒙古锡林河流域降水-径流特征及不同水文年径流模拟研究.水土保持研究.水土保持研究21(5):292-298.

7)Chen, Y., Zhou, Q., Li, S., Meng, F-R., Bi, X., Wilson, J., Xing, Z., Qi, J., Li, Q.,Zhang, C.2014. The simulation of surface flow dynamics using a flow-path network model, International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28(11):2242-2260.

8)Zhang, C., Jamieson, R.C., Meng, F-R., Gordon, R.J., Bourque,C.P.A. 2013. Simulation of monthly dissolved organic carbon concentrations in small forested watersheds.Ecological Modelling.250, 205– 213.

9)Zhang, C., Jamieson, R.C., Meng, F., Bhatti, J., Gordon, R., Bourque, C.P.A., 2011. Long-term forest-floor litter dynamics in Canada’s boreal forest: Comparison of two model formulations. Ecological Modelling. 222, 1236–1244.

10)Zhang, C., Trofymow, J.A. Jamieson, R.C., Meng, F., Gordon, R., Bourque, C.P.A. 2010. Litter Decomposition and Nitrogen Mineralization from an Annual to a Monthly Model. Ecological Modelling. 221, 1944-1953.

11)Jutras, M-F., Nasr, M., Castonguay, M., Pit, C., Pomeroy, J.H., Smith, T.P.,Zhang, C.,Ritchie, C.D., Meng, F.-R., Clair, T.A., Arp, P.A. 2011. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations and fluxes in forest catchments and streams: DOC-3 model. Ecological Modelling. 222, 2291– 2313.

12)Zhang, C., Meng, F.-R., Bhatti, J.S., Trofymow, J.A., Arp, P.A. 2 0 0 8. Modeling forest leaf-litter decomposition and N mineralization in litterbags, placed across Canada: A 5-model comparison. Ecological Modelling. 2 1 9, 342–360.

13)Larocque, G.R., Bhatti, J.S., Gordon, A.M., Luckai, N., Wattenbach, M., Liu, J., Peng, C., Arp, P.A., Liu, S.,Zhang, C.,Komarov, A., Grabarnik, P., Sun, J., White, T. 2008. Uncertainty and sensitivity issues in process-based models of carbon and nitrogen cycles in terrestrial ecosystems. In: Jakeman, A.J., Voinov, A.A., Rizzoli, A.E., Chen, S.H. (Eds.), Environ. Model., Software and Decision Support, - Developments in Integrated Environmental Assessments (DIEA), vol. 3. Elsevier, pp. 307–327.

14)Murphy, P.N.C., Ogilvie, J., Castonguay, M.,Zhang, C,Meng, F-R., Arp, P.A. Improving forest operations planning through high-resolution flow-channel and wet-areas mapping.The Forestry Chronicle. 2008, Volumn 84, Pages 568-574.

15)Zhang, C.,Trofymow, T., Meng, F., Arp, P.2007.Modelling mass and nitrogen remaining in litterbags for Canadian forest and climate conditions. Can. J. Soil Sci. 87, 413-432.


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