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2016年06月24日 10:50   编辑:刘佳宜    来源:苏德苏日古格








1.SUDESURIGUGE, Wataru Takeuchi (2012). Estimation of CH4 emission of wetland from thawing permafrost in northern countries. The 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2012), Thailand.   

2.SUDESURIGUGE, Wataru Takeuchi (2013). Estimation of snow offset-onset and land surface water coverage dynamics in Siberian natural wetland by passive microwave remote sensing. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013 (ISRS2013), Japan.  

3. SUDESURIGUGE, Wataru Takeuchi (2013). Estimation of CH4 emission of natural wetland in Siberia. 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Melbourne, Australia, p 3777-80, 2013. (EI Compendex)    

4.SUDESURIGUGE, Wataru Takeuchi (2013). Estimation of CH4 emission from Siberian natural wetland by land surface dynamics characterization with remote sensing. The 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2013), Indonesia.  

5. SUDESURIGUGE, Wataru Takeuchi and Sachiko Hayashida (2014). Comparative analysis between CH4 emission measured by SCIAMACHY and MODIS from west Siberian lowland. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014 (ISRS2014), Korea (获奖:Student Award).  

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