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2019年09月01日 08:05   编辑:刘佳宜    来源:王海兵



现任中国治沙暨沙业学会会员、中国水土保持学会会员、风蚀防治专业委员会会员;同时担任Geomorphology、Catena、Environmental earth sciences等国际SCI期刊,《中国沙漠》《干旱区研究》《干旱区资源与环境》等国内核心期刊的审稿专家。






  1. 富沙地表沙粒碰撞磨蚀产尘过程及贡献率研究(42261002),2023/01-2026/12,国家自然科学基金项目。(在研)

  2. 戈壁地区大规模造林对生态环境的影响(NJYT22039),2022/08-2025/07,内蒙古自治区高等学校青年科技人才项目。(在研)

  3. 排土场低质低效林更新改造技术(2022EEDSKJZDZX012),2022/05-2025.02,鄂尔多斯市科技重大专项项目专题。(在研)

  4. 库布其沙漠边缘低质低效林更新改造与生态服务功能提升技术(KJXM-EEDS-2020006),2020/11-2022/12, “科技兴蒙”行动重大专项项目专题。(在研)

  5. 戈壁沙尘释放率及其对地表异质性响应机制的研究(41861001),2019/01-2022/12,国家自然科学基金项目。

  6. 地表异质性及其对沙尘释放率的影响研究(41201001),2013/01-2015/12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目。

  7. 近自然修复技术体系及沙产业技术模式构建(2019ZD007),2019/11-2022.12,内蒙古自治区科技重大专项项目专题。

  8. 塔克拉玛干沙漠沙尘内循环过程地球化学示踪研究(Y251133100),2012/04-2014/03,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所人才基金项目。


  1. 王海兵,左合君,李宽,等.中国西北沙尘源及其产尘模式[M]. 地质出版社, 2021.6.(主编)

  2. 任余艳, 张彦东, 王海兵, 等. 毛乌素沙地库伦生态经济圈可持续性综合评估系统V1.0.(登记号: 2023SR1196366)2023.5.12


  1. Wang Haibing, Zuo Hejun, Jia Xiaopeng, Li Kuan, Yan Min. Full particle size distribution characteristics of land surface sediment and their effect on wind erosion resistance in arid and semiarid regions of Northwest China[J]. Geomorphology,2021,372.

  2. Xiya liu, Haibing Wang, Hejun Zuo, Min Yan, Kuan Li. Fractal of the Gobi surface sediment components and its variability characteristics. Catena, 218(2022)106525.

  3. Yongshan Li, Haibing Wang*, Qimin Ma. Responses of the braided channel to reduced discharge and lateral inputs of aeolian sand in the Ulan Buh Desert Reach of the Upper Yellow River[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences,2018,77(10).

  4. H. Wang,X. Jia,Y. Li,W. Peng. Selective deposition response to aeolian–fluvial sediment supply in the desert braided channel of the upper Yellow River, China[J]. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science,2015,15(9):1955-1962.

  5. Haibing Wang, Xiaopeng Jia, Kuan Li, Yongshan Li. Horizontal wind erosion flux and potential dust emission in arid and semiarid regions of China: A major source area for East Asia dust storms[J]. Catena ,2015,133.

  6. Haibing Wang, Xiaopeng Jia, Kuan Li, Hongfang Wang. External supply of dust in the Taklamakan sand sea, Northwest China, reveals the dust-forming processes of the modern sand sea surface[J]. Catena,2014,119:104-115.

  7. H. Wang, X. Jia. Field observations of windblown sand and dust in the Takimkan Desert, NW China, and insights into modern dust sources [J]. Land Degradation & Development,2013,24(4):323-333.

  8. Wang Haibing, Jia Xiaopeng, Xiao Jianhua, Shi Xiaomeng. Provenance and Geochemical Characteristics of the Silt and Clay Fraction in the Taklamakan Desert, Northwestern China[J]. Arid Land Research and Management,2012,26(2).

  9. Hejun Zuo,Min Yan,Haibing Wang,Zhi Dong,Gangtie Li. Assessment of snow drift impact in the northern steppe region of China[J]. Catena,2019,177:

  10. Min Yan,Haibing Wang,Hejun Zuo,Gangtie Li. Wind tunnel simulation of an opencut tunnel airflow field along the Linhe-Ceke Railway, China[J]. Aeolian Research,2019,39:

  11. Qimin Ma,Yinping Long,Xiaopeng Jia,Haibing Wang,Yongshan Li. Vegetation response to climatic variation and human activities on the Ordos Plateau from 2000 to 2016[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences,2019,78(12):

  12. Xiaopeng Jia,Yongshan Li,Haibing Wang. Bed sediment particle size characteristics and its sources implication in the desert reach of the Yellow River[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences,2016,75(11).

  13. Wanquan Ta, Haibing Wang, Xiaopeng Jia. Aeolian process induced hyper-concentrated flow in a desert watershed. Journal of Hydrology,2014,511:220-228.

  14. Wanquan Ta, Xiaopeng Jia, Haibing Wang. The contribution of aeolian processes to fluvial sediment yield from a desert watershed in the Ordos Plateau, China. Hydrological Processes, 2014.

  15. Xiaopeng Jia, Haibing Wang. Element Geochemical Analysis of the Contribution of Aeolian Sand to Suspended Sediment in Desert Stream Flash Floods[J]. The Scientific World Journal,2014

  16. Xiaopeng Jia, Haibing Wang, Hongfang Wang.Sources and trace element geochemical characteristics of the coarse sediment in the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River[J]. Geosciences Journal,2013.

  17. Wanquan Ta, Haibing Wang, Xiaopeng Jia External supply of dust regulates dust emissions from sand deserts. Catena, 2013,110, 113-118.

  18. Wanquan Ta, Xiaopeng Jia, Haibing Wang. Channel deposition induced by bank erosion in response to decreased flows in the sand-banked reach of the upstream Yellow River. Catena, 2013,105:62-68.

  19. Xiaopeng Jia, Haibing Wang. Mineral compositions and sources of the riverbed sediment in the desert channel of Yellow River[J]. Environ Monit Assess,2011

  20. Xiaopeng Jia, Haibing Wang, Jianhua Xiao. Geochemical elements characteristics and sources of the riverbed sediment in the yellow river’s desert channel[J]. Environ Earth Sci,2011

  21. Wanquan Ta, Haibin Wang, Xiaopeng Jia. Downstream fining in contrasting reaches of the sand-bedded Yellow River. Hydrological Processes, 2011,25:3693-3700.

  22. 张晔,王海兵*,左合君,等. 中国西北春季沙尘高发区及沙尘源解析[J]. 中国环境科学, 2019, 39(10): 4065-4073.

  23. 刘茜雅,王海兵*,左合君等. 巴音温都尔沙漠风况及输沙势特征[J]. 中国沙漠, 2023, 43(05): 41-48.

  24. 刘红梅,王海兵*,李宽等. 毛乌素沙地库伦生态经济圈结构、效益及农牧民行为[J].中国沙漠, 2023, 43(01): 48-57.

  25. 李陟宇,康艾,王磊,王海兵*等.内蒙古乌拉特后旗地质地貌资源及旅游业发展问题研究[J].干旱区资源与环境,2023,37(09):172-179.

  26. 乔碩, 王海兵*, 左合君等. 毛乌素沙地绿洲化过程中生态服务价值及生态网络格局演变[J]. 中国沙漠, 2022, 42(03): 118-126.

  27. 白露,左合君,刘娜娜,王海兵*.沙粒碰撞磨蚀产尘率及成因分析[J].干旱区资源与环境, 2021,35(09):89-94.

  28. 刘茜雅,王海兵*,左合君等. 苏宏图戈壁沉积物分形空间变异性及其成因[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021, 44(01): 168-177.

  29. 刘茜雅,王海兵*,左合君,等. 砂砾质戈壁沉积物分形维数计算及其对风沙作用的指示意义[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2019, 33(10): 125-130.

  30. 熊鑫,王海兵*, 肖建华,等. 戈壁沙砾质地表沉积物全粒径分布模式及其对分选作用的指示意义[J]. 中国沙漠, 2019, 39(02): 202-208.

  31. 马潇潇,王海兵*,左合君. 近54年内蒙古自治区西部沙尘暴的变化趋势[J]. 水土保持通报, 2019, 39(04): 17-21+101.


  1. 2021年所带班集体被评为“优秀班集体”

  2. 2019~2020年被评为优秀班主任

  3. 获第一届全国大学生“山水林田湖草沙”生态保护与修复创新设计大赛银奖,指导教师

  4. 获第十五届中国水土保持学会科学技术奖二等奖,主要参加人

  5. 获2021全国地理研学方案设计大赛&地理研学社会调研大赛三等奖,主要参加人

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